Tuesday, February 11, 2025

The elegance of a woman

An image is of flowers. The text says Let us express our gratitude to our Almighty Father who dwells in heaven; may Your name be revered. Without Him, there would be no flesh or air filling our lungs, and there would be no mother to nurture us during our time in her womb. Our Father created a vessel capable of enduring the deepest pain imaginable: childbirth. He designed her in a variety of hues, each one shining brilliantly, like stars twinkling in the night sky. It is through our Father who resides in heaven that the memories of the stars are shared among her children, akin to the twinkle in the night sky.   The true beauty of a woman is found not in the challenges she faces, but in the grace and dignity with which she carries herself, reflecting inner confidence, a positive attitude, eloquent communication, intellectual curiosity, and respect for boundaries.  written by: Katrina Smith

    Let us express our gratitude to our Almighty Father who dwells in heaven; may Your name be revered. Without Him, there would be no flesh or air filling our lungs, and there would be no mother to nurture us during our time in her womb. Our Father created a vessel capable of enduring the deepest pain imaginable: childbirth. He designed her in a variety of hues, each one shining brilliantly, like stars twinkling in the night sky. It is through our Father who resides in heaven that the memories of the stars are shared among her children, akin to the twinkle in the night sky.

The true beauty of a woman is found not in the challenges she faces, but in the grace and dignity with which she carries herself, reflecting inner confidence, a positive attitude, eloquent communication, intellectual curiosity, and respect for boundaries.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Love is a chain reaction

This heart is never empty; love is continuously pouring in. Never take someone's love for granted, not even your own. Show what it means to be loved and to receive love. Love doesn't always mean romance. If you can draw an abstract painting of what love is, give that person the best expression because that same image is the same image you want to receive in return, not only for yourself. But you want to pour that same amount back into someone else's heart.
Love is a chain reaction, so paint this world with your beautiful hearts to drown out all the darkness we have all seen. And make this world what it should be rather than the hatred and bigotry. 

  Music credit: 

Track Tribe: Guess I'll never know

Monday, January 8, 2024

Heart's Confession

The main background is red and pink with hearts and a red flower. Including a red heart with the text that says Poetry Garden
    Are you here on Earth, my angel? And when we both hug, will it feel like we're both in paradise? I'm out here searching for my soul connection, a person who truly can understand me for me and accept everything about the person who I am.

Get to know my true nature on the inside. The exterior is only a cover, so appreciate what you see on the inside. We'll never make judgments based on that.

If we both hit a rock on this road, we'll be there for each other and guide each other through that rough time. We may not see eye to eye on everything, and that is okay. What matters first and foremost is the friendship bond that we must build before anything else.

If our hearts and minds lead us to express those deep feelings, say what you feel, and don't ever hold it in. Know that it will bring our friendship even closer. And even if the time isn't right, continue to hang in there for one another because you and I have already spoken our heart's confessions.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Let's D.A.N.C.E

An image of confetti at a party. The text says Lets D.A.N.C.E The Poetry Garden

    Let's take our minds in the direction of Alice and Wonderland. There is no magical pill to swallow; just simply close your eyes and imagine you are in a whimsical place built for dancing. Do you see the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, or even Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum? Let's not forget the Cheshire cat, just to name a few. Grab their hands or paws and bring them along. And by the way, you are Alice in your imagination. Alice can be whomever or whatever you want. So, let's explore what it means to dance.


We all have the rhyme and the movement to be able to express how dance looks and feels to us. So, what does it look and feel like to you? Put together your own experiment and get into it.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Seeing through shadows

Gray splattered paint with a red broken heart. Text says seeing through shadows

The grass on the opposite side isn't always greener; sometimes it looks like weeks' worth of dog sh!t.   

Thought I was keeping my emotions to myself, but both yours and mine were found out. We discovered that we shared sentiments, and I debated whether to express them or keep them to myself.

I felt in my heart that as we talked more, we would come to know one another. Of all, you cannot get to know someone with just one chat. 

I'm not going to sugarcoat this event because you want me to keep it secret; it's genuine. You and I have both disclosed some information. After a year, it has unexpectedly ended, as we have been waiting anxiously to meet with each other to make things official.

Your impatience and persistent insistence that we meet together with each other were the main causes. Yes, we share the same anxiety. You are aware of my condition, and even if you weren't, I have made my living status known to you. But, you remain persistent.

As I maintain respect throughout our relationship, this is the calm before the storm.

 Our last laugh with non-relative friends was the night before church. I'm repeating what was stated in this case to make sure I understood what was said. I did until I got the message the day after worship on Sunday.

We resolved the issue, and you assert that you comprehended what I said. Because I was not available to answer your call when you called, the storm struck suddenly.

You've been waiting for things to happen on your schedule for the entire time, paying no attention to me or what I needed to get done for myself.  Until we learn more about one another, we ought to be best friends, you leave me with. I wasn't paying attention or wasn't aware that you were flashing a warning sign in my direction the entire time.
 I was able to maintain my composure while speaking with you because I am sensitive to energy both close and far. I surely told you about it as soon as I sensed it was about to happen. We ended up having a typical talk, or so I thought. Don't tell your pals about this. Through the computer, you can still talk on the phone and have video chats.

I don't mind having buddies. But I felt really uncomfortable hearing your voice, not speaking, and hearing what other people were saying about me. I was faithful throughout our whole relationship—or so-called relationship—holding back my emotions until I finally let them gently flow out.  I won't keep quiet, and I'm hoping that by doing so, others will learn never to fall prey to manipulation. What I have learned will be a very important lesson. There is someone out there who will treat me with respect and kindness. Value your partner's time as well as your own if you want them to value yours. And be honest with yourself about what you know and don't know.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Daily reminder

 As you lay down to rest, say goodbye to the things that worry you. Don't bring them with you to slumber. Wake up in peace to start a brand new day. As you rise as the sun rises, don't forget to laugh. Your laughter is your soul's caffeine to rinse out any unwanted mood you are feeling. If you need an extra spark, laugh harder than the first. Keep this going until that unwanted mood disappears. May your day be bright and your night be restful.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Graffiti Heart

You have broken my heart as you have tried to sweep it underneath the rug. Hoping that I may have forgotten what you have done to me. It was your kind heart that pulled me in. Now, this heart is left with a permanent scar, still trying to make it without you. This pill is too hard to swallow as tears begin to fall wishing that this never happened at all. I want to love you like there is no tomorrow. While my heart keeps on bleeding in love over you. This feeling is like a dagger straight through the heart, even though rumors have it; that you were loving someone else. This heart of mine can not deal with this heartache. As your looking for my sign of remorse, this heart is in a bit of denial if it's true. This is hurting me deep within my soul, trying not to believe everything that I am told. There goes my heart that I have laid out on the table. Tears that I have cried filled with dignity due to pain. No, I can not bear this broken heart, you put upon me. I am losing bits and pieces of myself while hiding behind a shelf carrying out all this pain. A journey of a heartbroken girl.