Welcome to Poetry Garden! This Page is Dedicated to display my art of Poetry. Please come and Enjoy and, Do not forget to plant a seed-(Share) with someone.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Tears in the ocean
Saturday, May 20, 2017
P.S.A Complete
I feel like I need to make a public service announcement to the world, and if I don’t, my head will fully explode. This world is lying silently still on this word that I am about to spill. I may walk, I may crawl, or I may not have any limbs at all. Are you completely confused? If you are, don’t because I am about to shout it out to the world. Disability!
I am back yet again with another Public Service Announcement for the world to absorb about disability. You must have been in total shock when I first posted P.S.A because it has reached a hundred and thirty views on the very first day, and only six views on Poetry Garden at the blog spot, giving it a total of a hundred and thirty-six views. I want to tell you that I don’t take this situation lightly because I find this quite a serious condition, and my head will continually hurt until it’s finally addressed. I, however, would give all my gratitude to those who stand up for disabled bodies. For those who still want to stay close-minded, I really want to scream at the top of my lungs. What does it have to take for you to even get the picture? Come walk a day, or two, in my shoes, or even in someone else's. All it takes is a full life experience for some to really grasp, and for others, I want to say, "straight ignorance," because they truly do not want to learn, or they have a lot to learn. So, to fully understand how we live our lives daily, you need to come and see.
If I were to stand with crutches or sit in a wheelchair, do not judge me because of my mobility. That’s just how I am. Now, if I have a communication device and my voice sounds a bit out of the norm to you, do not judge me because that’s how I speak and etc. I really do not need to stress this out any longer. People will continue to keep this word underground if no one ever speaks out about it. Therefore, plenty of other people, like me, with disabilities, are standing up. Now take a look back at the very first P.S.A. and recite it all the way through. Leave out the end. Peace I am out of here.
You will begin to see a connection. This is my first poem with an extension. You may think I am on a ranting spree. If you look at this from a different perspective, you will understand my poetry.
This is where I’ll close and say: Peace, I am Out Of Here!
Friday, May 19, 2017
P.S.A Extended
I am back yet again with another Public Service Announcement, about Disability. You must have been in total shock, when I first posted P.S.A because it has reached a hundred and thirty views, on the very first day, and Thus, a hundred and thirty-six views.
I want to tell you that I don’t take this situation lightly. I find this to be quite a serious condition, and my head will continue to hurt, until it’s finally addressed.
I however, would give all my gratitude to those who stand up for Disabled bodies. And for those who still want to stay closed minded, I really want to scream at the top of my lungs at you. What does it take to get the picture? Come walk a day, or two in my shoes, or even in someone another? All it takes is a full life experience for some to really grasp, I just want to say, You have come at me in ignorance and truly do not want to learn or have a lot to learn.
So, to fully understand how we live our lives daily, you need to come and see. If I was standing with crutches or seating in a wheelchair, do not judge me because of my mobility, that's just how I am. If I have a communication device and my voice sounds a bit out of norm to you, do not judge me because that's how I speak.
I really do not need to say this out any longer, but people will continue to keep the word Disability, if no one ever speaks out about it. So therefore, I and plenty of other people with disabilities are standing up. Now take a look back at the very first P.S.A, and recite it all the way through, leaving out the end, Peace I am out of here. You will begin to see a connection. As this is my first poem with an extension.
You may think, I am on a rant spree, but, if you look at this from a different perspective, you would understand my poetry. Now this is where I can finally close and say: Peace I am Out of here.
Got any questions?
Poet last words:
I am truly honored to bring you this extended version, of my other poem called P.S.A. Yes! when writing P.S.A, Words were just flowing like the wind in my head, and when that happens, I need to have a pen, or Pencil in hand and why of course paper to. So, that's how poetry comes to me. I want you all to know that, there will be a full version of P.S.A coming soon. I hope that you continue to like my art as it comes to me. Thank so much for your time.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
P. S. A
I feel like I need to make a public service announcement to the world,
and if I don’t,
my head will fully explode.
I may walk, I may crawl and I may not have any limbs at all.
Are you completely confused?
If you are, don’t be
I am about to shout it out....
I can almost see your face,
as some of you are frowning with disgrace.
Wanting to turn your back away
because you feel like it’s a contractible disease.
Straight up ignorance, if I may say!
Now if I tell you that,
I have a low tolerance for ignorance.
Would you still act like an ass?
Or reevaluate the way you see this word.
I would hope that you reevaluate…
but I truly can’t make that decision for you.
Let me turn your head just a little bit.
Don’t worry it won’t hurt, and it will still be on topic.
What if I told you that I am an advocate, and left you with that.
You might be confused and wonder
What kind of advocate?
Let me just tell you this…
A lot of people, who are advocating for others,
are dealing with the same thing themselves.
So, if I say to you that I am a disability advocate…
You might be shocked and wonder what my disability is?
Go right ahead and ask,
I will be glad to tell you.
But, I hope once I tell you,
you will walk away feeling proud
because you have let go of, that ignorance
and fully opened your mind and ears.
People who have disabilities expect to be treated the same as everyone else.
They don’t ask for very much but your respect.
And if they ask for accommodations,
it is because they need it so they can fit in with everyone else.
So, whether they have an invisible disability, the ones you cannot see,
or a physical disability, the ones you can see…
Don’t Judge them
because labels are for cans!
Educate yourself by asking questions.
Peace I am out of here!
Poetry Garden Corner:
This poem is dedicated to all people who live with disabilities because I can relate to how every person feels. Yes this is a poem that I wrote myself, and I just let the words come to me as my hands did the writing. Therefore, I hope you all enjoy this poem.