Today, I had stop by to, pay my best friend a visit. No! I did not shed tears---I didn't want to open up a wound. But, every once in a while, I do hear her voice. And its nothing like, her voice on Earth. So, how do I know it's her? I feel it through my heart and my soul, and that's how I know.
Three years has gone pass, and within my heart and soul, I know the truth of how everything went down...the truth never lies. And I don't need to be around to figure it all out. Should I speak the truth, or allow the universe reveal it to you? Why let me just tell you.
It Nov 27, three years ago and, I am on constant check up, on my dearest best friend... I know she's not feeling too well. She like blood related to me and, that the way I see it. Therefore, I let out a loud scream with, my eyes flooding with tears. So, I begin to run up the stairs, to rely the message to my mom. And that's where I truly broke down, as a call was being made to her mom.
I am very sensitive when it comes to souls, and right then and there, my gut kicked in and told me: what went wrong. Should I get in trouble for, holding the truth away from you? Clearly not because the truth never hides.
This is where my gut kicks in. So, I hope your ready to hear the truth. She came into my dreams, not once but twice. The first visit was very clearly, her and I shopping...she loved to shop. And in the second, dream was her in a field of yellow flowers. They could almost pass as sunflower. And that's were she said: Good bye. And this was before the situation happened.
Now, shall we fast ward to the actual day? I don't mind if we do--- the truth needs to be set free. I'm no fan of nursing home to tell you the truth...of all the horrible stories I have heard. And through telling you this, my gut clearly is very verbal, when I say this: She was murdered by the hands of the nurse. Yes! I only speak the truth so help me God!
She was clearly getting better by the days. And was on her way to recovery, until this wrongful act took place. So, now she up in heaven watching us all, while she even telling me these things. And I she not wrong.
Poetry corner
This poem hits deep into the surface, of my best friend who is in the picture.