If there was a sign placed on the back, of my head that read: for rent, would you rent out this space? I have gone through so much that, I physically can't take it anymore. And it's starting to mess with me mentally. So, I must rely on my savior Jesus Christ... I know he's next to God.
I really sit in silence sometimes, wondering what is going through this mind. This pain is hurting deeper then you could ever imagine. But, at times I feel better staying to myself. My soul has broken plenty of times, and now I'm feeling quite useless...at times I feel no connection.
I am not dreaming of death...my life is worth living. And this soul is on a journey that refuse to, lead onto a path of evil worshipping. Give this heart what it has been yearning for, a dream that will become: my reality. I will continue to follow the path to: my destination. So, for all the non believer, you can try to throw a grenade, just to see if it will: throw me off this path. And just to show you, I will continue to walk... I have been striving for many years, my words will cut like, an average blade.
I need to be free, and when I speak: I speak upon my independent. I don't need to struggle to be heard, my actions should be louder than words. Therefore, I will keep climbing Mount Everest until, I have reached my destination. And this will show you that I am strong.🚸
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