Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Trail on by

This chic is on a journey that will not die. But, I have seen a few that don't want me too. So, I might as well say: the hell with you, and since when do you, get to pick out my journey too.

 I have seen you take a bite of the forbidden fruit, and now you want to control every road to my destiny. I won't ride on your sticky grounds, and I can care less if you're pissed now...every individual has their rights, in choosing their own path. So, I'm going to ride high.

 I won't tolerate any flies that linger in bull shit, if you can see where I'm coming from. I have been riding on this path for over some years now. And should have already gotten to my destination. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to continue to walk forward... that's where I need to be. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Won't hold back

  I'm not alone in this battle war, I have my guardian angel and other godly spirit's with me. So, you can whisper, so loud that I can hear you. But, the truth has its ways of coming to the surface. And I won't take my life for granted, I will embrace every breath I take. So, I will conquer every depression demon, or anyone who does not want to see the pride in me.

  My life is not aways easy, and neither is your. I deal with constant struggles, and yes I'm strong enough to defeat them. But, I do need help from time to time. Therefore, don't come casting your shadow over me... it really truly hurts, you see: not being able to gain full access to independent. And this heart hurts having to express it. I may put on a smile, just to quickly hide it. But, the truth has always been: trying to let others see.

 A heart that shows love, knows how to let go. But, its a heart that holds on forever: that can't see the light of someone else, who needs to prosper so they can grow.

   I'm fully capable of my surroundings. But, I fill broken at times and, I will leave you guessing why... I have lost my verbal words, as they were sitting on the tip of my tongue. Now I ask myself, Why are able bodies so judgemental, and  take advantage of disabled individuals. Don't they know that shit hurts. And God is on constant watch up above. So, why keep acting this way.

 I will continue to spit the truth out, to put out your flame...building lies beyond lies, won't get you far. So, you can let go of your perception of me. And finally get to really understand me... thoses thought's are not who I am. So, I will put out the truth, to kill your poison.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Lost and Alone

  My heart cries because it's in deep physical pain, and it's truly hard to explain. Sometimes I want to go run and hide. But, I don't have any place to do so. I have scattered pain through different places, and let me just tell you: I have been dealing with depression. These tears had been frequently. But, they had been settled. So, I can't really tell you where I'm at...my mind still goes through flashbacks. Now it's time for me to, put my life down on paper, although, I still have quite a lot to learn.

  Breathe deep and least the pain, I really don't want to feel this bad. But, in this mind of mines, I'm truly having a hard time. My soul has finally reached out and found courage in sharing this... I felt comfortable with sharing with them. But, I haven't yet clearly told anyone else yet... I still struggle with communicating with some.

  I need to find a place to physically drain away this pain... mentally it's driving me insane. This soul hurts from a lot of things it's has gone through. And let me tell you: bullying is one of them. So, in this mind of flashbacks, I hear those words creeping up on occasion. And that's why this tender heart cries. So, maybe this is my only sign of relief. But, even that brings my heart to tears.

   May I ask you to please keep an eye on me... mentally I'm not doing so well? You may think your whispering is silent. But, if you know I'm in the next room, and can still hear you, it's not whispering at all. Therefore, this soul is like a sponge. And now I just need to be cleansed.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Here comes the rain of tangible tears and shattered hearts from a soul who needs to heal. These tears are buried deep inside this heart and need to come to the surface. However, it feels too afraid to speak upon these words: I cried in silence yesterday. I woke up feeling broken inside. Thoughts started rambling in my mind, which brought upon tears I had been holding in. 

So, are these words true? And what must they be? Sadness. My heart is very fragile and I'm battling this sadness that no one seems to know. Would they even care? She's very observant, yet can sometimes become confused. Lately, she’s been feeling out of touch with everything. She sits in silence: she is broken deep inside. And in her thoughts, she is going through everything. Now, will she confess what has her heart a mess? She has gone through so much that talking becomes very hard for her. Sporadic tears dance down her hopeless face, clinching herself to console herself. No one will ever listen to her and it leaves her feeling empty. But, she will keep the door of communication open to God.

Poetry Corner *This picture doesn't belong to me. This poem touches bases on battling in silence with difficult situations. Do you have difficulty with different things in your life? we all do. But, it's how we chose to let it out. So, it doesn't become a burden on us. This is what Twilight is about, letting everything go. So, it doesn't eat you up inside.

Written on the wall

   Is it just me drowning in my head, trying to avoid any unnecessary loud sounds... I just don't want to broke down. This sounds exactly like her. Sometimes she feel like, she walking on pins and needles, and other times she doing just fine. But, is she doing just fine? What you see on the outside, is only the cover. So, you need to open her up like a book, otherwise, your judging a book by it cover.

  Some mornings she woken up by tears, wondering what she did wrong. So, she find the courage and strength to apologise even if it not her fault. But, she guess no one would ever get that...speaking is very hard for her, while others choose to jab fingers, constantly making fun of her. So, she rely on writing her pain across the wall. But, not everything you read is not true, they are just only words that make the perfect fit. Like, didn't your parents ever tell you: don't judge a book by its cover... inside this child, they're hurting inside. So, this is their pain written on the wall.