Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Heart of liberty

This heart has harmony and is synced with peace, it knows  how to protect itself. But, others want to disturb it. Like, the tainted ocean. So, you better not come near me. You can't force this heart out of its belief, nor hold it back from its destiny.

This heart strings are held on damn tight. So, you better not try to break its focus, or try to pin someone else's action upon this heart. If you can't handle the way this heart feels, it's time for your heart to learn, how I must feel...every tear does not equal sadness, and every laugh does not equal happiness. So, can you see how these two feelings can easily flip on you. Tears may rise during happiness, and laughter is used to hide the pain of a broken heart.

  This is where my heart has been, and now I must dust it off. So, I can keep on moving...I don't have time for people who hold jealousy in their soul. I'm who I am and won't change for anyone.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

A child

Here is life coming from an unclear mind, you don't know where or when things will happen for you. You would rather settle into your bitterness and put the blame on someone else. 

A child who clearly has a problem, and is trying to do their very best, keeps getting pushed down like a stack of Domino's, the one who strives for the best of all they can do. And stumble over broken words, is the one who gets called out as a fool.

  A child should never have to dig, to find where their hearts truly lie because it should already know. But, once that barrier becomes broken and words are no longer spoken, their hearts no longer beat the same. You have attacked something that you will never get back. And at the end you have turned a child's emotions into bitterness towards you. 

 A child should have their defenses, even when it comes to words, allow them to speak... that's how stories are told. Don't ever silence the voice of a child, nor cause pain or unnecessary emotions in a child...their love will quickly dry up towards you.