Roses are red and Violets come in many shades of colors. But, who's to say that: they are only Blue? A child whose heart is filled with, nothing but sadness, can only tell you the truth. And every human that walks among this Earth can agree to disagree with me... your heart had felt sadness too. And on occasion, you still feel heartbroken.
Have you ever stared out the window, to see life moving past you? But, in your mind, you keep feeling determined to push through, any negative labels, others try to place on you. I am not ashamed to say that: I am that person who will smash you like a bug... you do not have any faith in me. I know you don't want to be around me...of my struggles. So, you will plaster on this phony smile, when you are around others, and they can clearly see it too. And when you have me all to yourself, I become a competition. And to tell you the truth, it truly irritates me to shreds. Therefore, I really shouldn't have to deal with it.
But, I have to keep in mind that: I had lived many lives before. Like, a friend has told me: my soul is a goddess angel, I can live through this one too. Including, frustration, heartbreak, and tears. So, today I will not hold onto any negative words. And most definitely, will not go through hell trying to give, any explanation because it's time to set myself free.
Poetry Corner
I want to share a little something about this picture. But, before I do, I want to let you know that, I do believe every living plant has a meaningful meaning behind it. Therefore, it's whether you believe in it or not. But, I am not here to judge you. what I will say: Chrysanthemum (White), mean: Trueness. And I am a girl who loves flowers. So, this picture fits this poem well.
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