This is the first fog, and its leaving mist outside on this windowpane. Does it hurt when you place, your face against the window? Probably so. So, why can't some human being express all their feeling, and only rely on just one. I am no ventriloquist. But, I will speak underneath my breath, when no one wants to hear me. I am wrong for doing so? No, so why don't you just leave me alone.
People make assumptions all the time, and base off of those assumptions: Some of its pretty dang gone true. So, here a little history about me, and me alone you see. I have a learning disability, and no I'm not using it as an ATTENTION seeker! Yes! this is absolutely true, what your about to read, is what I go through. My communication isn't all that great, I am able to understand some words to some degree. But, don't use that opportunity to pick with me. All I really need is a clearer understanding of the picture you see. Plus, if you have read my story, or even been around me, you would also know: I have Hypothyroidism. And I shall educate you on my symptom, if you may ask. But, I will share it with you anyway. And just like my disability, I am not using it as a ATTENTION seeker, you just have to really understand me.
Hypothyroidism, is clearly a Thyroid condition. No its not a contractible disease. So, you can't catch it, if you were to sit next to me. Hypothyroidism, is a under active thyroid, which mimic's other symptom's. Like, Fibromyalgia and other symptoms of its own. So, I will have days were, I am extremely tired and just want to rest. And days were my body is, completely in pain. But, I still move the best that I can---I am the warrior that I am. Despite, Fatigue,Increased sensitivity to cold,Constipation,Dry skin,Weight gain, Puffy face,Hoarseness,Muscle weakness, Elevated blood cholesterol level, Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness,Pain, stiffness or swelling in my joints, Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods, Thinning hair,Slowed heart rate, Depression, Impaired memory and Mood swing.
Therefore, before you start lashing out at me, come try a day or two in my shoes--- my life is not easy as it seems. But, I do my best to understand and live the best way I can. So, if I stumble upon my words, or try to speak the best way I can. Try to place your head around, my daily life, before shut me down.
So, with theses two things, is really a constant battle for me. And all I really need is patience, which is a must clearer understanding.
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