Friday, March 27, 2020

🌍 Confession ♻

 I want to reach out to as many people as possible, this heart is genuine and does not hold anything back. I shed tears when I am feeling down, laugh when things are funny, why I even crack myself up sometimes. I'm a soul filled with a lot of emotions, and I know you are too.

 Fear gets the best of us sometimes, mostly when you don't expect it to. CoVID---19 has millions of people on the edge of their seats, and about half are staying cool and collective through the process. Can we ask  forgiveness, for all the things we have done? putting the blame on everything else around us. Do we deserve quarantine and for how long? America will be great again after, learning from these mistakes we all have made.

  Are you brave enough to own up to your mistakes, taking the garbage to its rightful place? Asking yourself small questions only you know the answers to. I know and see the changes I need to make. This is definitely the time to sit still and listen... we're the ones to blame for this. Mother earth has us all on punishment, you can see those who are obedient and the ones who are defiant.

 I feel deep within this heart, that we all will make it through this together, if only you do your part and stay safe.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Biography heart


This is a true story of the heart: it holds compassion for others and self, easily misjudged in many ways. So, voicing becomes not easy to some--- they have their own vision of this heart. I'm done pretending everything is fine, deep down inside. So, I have found my way of healing...I know what is right for this soul.

I have gone through a lot, and I'm still going through more, and honestly, I just want to literally mentally and physically escape from it all... this heart can't beat the same anymore. I know who cut this person that, I'm today, but mentally and physically, I see where I need to be. But, not many see these intentions of mine. So, they rather mentally pick at me to see a reaction, pulling things out about themselves, just to pin it on me. I'm now at my end and I am barely speaking, and I have alright... this heart treat's everyone the same. 😭

  This heart has always felt compassion a sense of jealousy from others. So, this isn't made up to tickle your fancy. This heart is pure and will remain pure. This is my heart biography❣️

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Lean on me

Some days I feel like I'm losing it. And in the very back of my mind, I know everything is going just fine. But, that nagging voice utters otherwise. So, I reach out for support, the one I can truly count on, to make sure this voice is correct.

  Today is like no other day, I'm still smiling. But, I know there definitely is a shadow behind me. I chug up the tears because to others it's a sign of weakness.

 Can I walk where there are trees?...I know they can truly ease away my pain.

  Can I reach my hand out? Like to play tug-a-war, only there is no tugging back.


  Can you tell me that you will be there any time of day when I really need you? Some can consider this to be selfish. But, in reality we all need that one shoulder to lean on because this pain can become unbearable at times.


   So, Can I count on you to be there, when I need someone to lean on?

 I need to feel like the wind can lift me because all the weight has left me. But, do know that both my feet are still on the ground?