Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Here comes the rain of tangible tears and shattered hearts from a soul who needs to heal. These tears are buried deep inside this heart and need to come to the surface. However, it feels too afraid to speak upon these words: I cried in silence yesterday. I woke up feeling broken inside. Thoughts started rambling in my mind, which brought upon tears I had been holding in. 

So, are these words true? And what must they be? Sadness. My heart is very fragile and I'm battling this sadness that no one seems to know. Would they even care? She's very observant, yet can sometimes become confused. Lately, she’s been feeling out of touch with everything. She sits in silence: she is broken deep inside. And in her thoughts, she is going through everything. Now, will she confess what has her heart a mess? She has gone through so much that talking becomes very hard for her. Sporadic tears dance down her hopeless face, clinching herself to console herself. No one will ever listen to her and it leaves her feeling empty. But, she will keep the door of communication open to God.

Poetry Corner *This picture doesn't belong to me. This poem touches bases on battling in silence with difficult situations. Do you have difficulty with different things in your life? we all do. But, it's how we chose to let it out. So, it doesn't become a burden on us. This is what Twilight is about, letting everything go. So, it doesn't eat you up inside.


  1. aww this came from a beautiful place! i felt that! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. I'm honored that you enjoyed this piece.😊
