Saturday, June 13, 2020


  I'm looking up towards the clouds, knowing that where pain is no longer pain. And that doesn't really ease the pain. Therefore, I try to throw it out like a deck of cards. These words are not coming out clearly as they should, words flowing out like a child scribbling on paper. I'm not doing well. How did you miss it?

  This person who stands in front of me is emotionally broken. So, here I go writing every scene like it's a murder mystery and it's not in any particular order. She's twelve years old and standing alone, at least she thought until a group of people came bullying her for the use of her locker. 

Ugh the bullying entourage. Therefore, she opens her mouth to speak and the bullying entourage refuses to listen. listen clearly, Someone unexpected, spoken twice which alerted the principal. 

 She's always being pulled out of her comfortable zone. And she goes into a complete verbal shut down with a hint of fear hidden behind it. Don't ever get her wrong when she does speak because these words are true.

Communicating is her difficulty and it's for her place to put these things in words.

 She's finally an adult now and still dealing with emotional discomfort. Can she find her way out of feeling this way? She has found her escape in getting these words out. But, she still struggles with it at times. Like the lines in making a sharp crease in a pair of Jeans.

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